Clean Area Packing
FOC Medical offers third parties a specialized service for primary and secondary packing in clean areas, classified and enabled by ANMAT for its subsequent sterilization, with personnel highly qualified in the handling of medical inputs.
The packing service can be done within our clean areas, either by specialized personnel of FOC Medical or by the staff of the third party, in accordance to the specific need of each client.
For its manufacture and services processes, FOC Medical has implemented a Quality Management System of continuous improvement, regulated by strict international quality norms (Good Manufacture Practices and ISO 9001:2008) that ensure and guarantee the most high quality levels in each phase.
FOC Medical has been approved by the National Administration of Medicine, Food and Medical Technology (ANMAT) and the Public Health Ministry of the Province of Buenos Aires.
FOC Medical´s clean areas have been approved by ANMAT and are annually validated by specialized personnel to ensure an adequate level of particles and timely air renovations. They have absolute filters, positive pressure cascades, material and personnel transfers.
Contact FOC Medical to evaluate your work proposal.